Message from the CEO
“Our mission is to bring flow hydrogenation to the mainstream chemistry practice and have innovative quality instruments that serve the needs of scientists.“
Gergely Darvas
CEO of ThalesNano Inc.
After more than 20 years on the market, since the launch of the award-winning H-Cube®, ThalesNano continues to be the leader in flow chemistry solutions for pharmaceutical and agrochemical early-stage research and development. Our family of products solves daily problems in transforming difficult or dangerous reactions to be performed conveniently and safely with easy reproducibility. In addition, with temperatures up to 450°C and pressures up to 200 bar, a wide range of chemistry space is achievable that is otherwise unthinkable in batch processes.
Building on our experiences, our objectives for the coming period are to bring flow chemistry into the daily work practice of every chemistry laboratory. This is particularly true of hydrogenation, where the new generation of accessible and simple H-Cubes® and the H-Genie® hydrogen generators should replace autoclaves and shakers as the standard, improving safety, reliability and convenience.
Other flow chemistry solutions, like the Phoenix™ fow systems, supported by our own research and that of our partners, enable chemists to discover unexplored chemical space, design and synthesize novel compounds and libraries, advancing research beyond its current boundaries.
We are committed to design instruments of the highest quality, make them intuitive to use and meet the needs of chemists in the lab today and in the lab of the future.