Virtual demos and webinars
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Watch our videos and webinars to unlock a world of knowledge and expertise. At ThalesNano, we believe in the power of immersive digital experiences to educate and empower our customers. Join us as we showcase the latest technologies, demonstrate practical applications, and provide step-by-step guides to help you harness the full potential of our products and services. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer to our platform, our virtual demos and webinars are designed to inspire, inform, and guide you towards success in your endeavors. Get ready to explore, learn, and revolutionize your understanding with our online resources.

Upcoming webinars
Revolutionizing Chemical Synthesis: H-Cube® Advance
May 27/May 29
Learn how to expand your scope of applications by joining our free live webinar, hosted by our Director of Chemistry, who , will explore the fundamentals of flow hydrogenation, and showcase the wide range of applications enabled by our newest flow reactor, the H-Cube® Advance.
Two webinars will be hosted to accommodate a global audience - one for AMER/EMEA West and another for EMEA East/APAC time zones. The webinars will be held on May 27 and May 29.
Register to our free webinar by filling out this form:
Browse our videos
Unleash knowledge without boundaries. Explore our webinar series and guides, all accessible without registration.
Advantages of using the Phoenix – H-Genie® reactor system for continuous flow hydrogenations
Discover ThalesNano's flow hydrogenation systems, with chemical examples that highlight the advantages of continuous flow over batch methods.
CatCarts Part I: Catalyst handling made safe and easy with ThalesNano's CatCarts
Explore ThalesNano’s catalyst cartridge technology. Learn more about the properties, applications, and limitations of CatCarts.
Safe Hydrogenation and the H-Cube Mini Plus
Learn more about the advantages of performing hydrogenation reaction in continuous flow. Meet ThalesNano's H-Cube Mini Plus reactor, explore its features and applications.
PhotoChemistry made easy: Batch and Flow chemistry using the PhotoCube
Explore photocatalytic organic reactions using ThalesNano's PhotoCube instrument. Learn more about its key features and diverse applications.
How HydRegen’s biocatalytic hydrogenation technology lets you harness selective biocatalysis
Learn more about HydRegen and delve into the application of biocatalysis in reductive hydrogenations, focusing on ThalesNano's H-Cube flow reactor.
Flow Chemistry Basics I.
If you're new to flow chemistry, this video is perfect for you! Discover all the essential principles necessary for conducting flow chemistry experiments, and learn more about modules and accessories.
Unparalleled hydrogenation synthesis and scale-up: The Phoenix - H-Genie Platform
Discover how ThalesNano's Phoenix flow reactor and H-Genie hydrogen generator can be combined for scalable hydrogenation reactions.
CatCarts Part II: Cartridges for safe and easy heterogeneous flow chemistry
Delve deeper into the topic of heterogenous flow catalysis via specific chemical examples that demonstrate the versatile applications of CatCarts.
H-Cube Pro: High performance hydrogenations done safely
Delve into the world of flow chemistry, with a special emphasis on hydrogenation. Learn more about ThalesNano's H-Cube Pro, its features, and how to optimize reactions effortlessly.
High pressure CO2 hydrogenation towards valuable fuels using the Phoenix in the gas phase
Explore the application of the Phoenix flow reactor and Gas Module in synthesizing methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas.
Gas Module: Extending the scope of reactions introducing gaseous reagents
Learn more about the Gas Module and its utilization in combination with flow reactors for the introduction of gases into liquid flows. Several organic chemistry reactions serve as illustrative examples.
Flow Chemistry Basics II.
Explore the diverse applications of flow technologies. iscover how to execute hydrogenations, reactions involving gases, endothermic and exothermic reactions, and photochemistry in flow reactors.
Flow Chemistry Basics III.
Discover how continuous flow technology can enhance the safety of your reactions. Learn more about on-demand gas generation and telescoped flow reactions.
Is there a topic which we did not cover yet and interests you?
Let us know and we consider adding it to our webinar schedule! Please fill out our form below.