
On-demand hydrogen generation to eliminate gas cylinders

R&D Winner H-Genie hydrogen generator

On-demand hydrogen generation

The H-Genie® is an award-winning compact system designed for on-demand hydrogen generation. Utilizing patented technology, it enables you to produce 4.0 purity hydrogen gas from water at pressures up to 100 bar (1450 psi) and flow rates up to 1 NL/min. The system is designed to be used in any laboratory as a safer and simpler replacement for hydrogen cylinders and to expand your chemistry capabilities.

H-Genie hydrogen generator
H-Genie hydrogen generator
H-Genie hydrogen generator

Features of the H-Genie® hydrogen generator

  • Hydrogen generation from deionized water – no cylinders needed
  • High pressure to expand your chemistry capabilities
  • Compatible with any reactors and balloons
  • Simple setup and use
  • Compact footprint to save space
  • Internal hydrogen detector for improved safety
  • Variable flow rate, pressure, and volume control
  • Monitors hydrogen consumption with data export functionality
  • Suitable for any laboratory or fume hood

Systems compatible with the H-Genie®

Phoenix™ Flow systems

The Phoenix™ II Flow Reactor is a powerful instrument which can heat the reaction zone up to 450 °C and is compatible with multiple types and sizes of reactors (CatCarts®, MidiCarts™, coiled reactors, metal-metal sealed catalyst columns).

Designed to be used safely in any discovery, development, process, petrochemical or catalyst screening lab, the Phoenix – H-Genie® hydrogenation platform combines in-situ high pressure hydrogen generation from water with high temperature reactor capability and a precise gas data monitoring system for the first time. Chemists and chemical engineers can now run hydrogen-based experiments with homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts up to 450°C and 100 bar without the need for hydrogen cylinders or hydrogen infrastructure.

Automatic Water Filler for H-Genie®

Enjoy Up to 1-week extended runtime

When paired, the Automatic Water Filler recognizes when the tank of the H-Genie® starts to run out, and it initiates a refilling cycle. It can work with either a built-in water network or external water sources. Once finished, it automatically shuts down. It also monitors the water quality (Checking for “Millipore Milli-Q” quality) , and if the quality drops, it shuts down immediately.

The Automatic Water Filler is capable of working with both the H-Genie® and H-Genie® Lite, as well as connecting to the ThalesNano Instrument Fleets through the THS System Controller® and THS ReAction® Software.

Technical data of the H-Genie® hydrogen generator

Hydrogen Production Rate0.1-1 NL/min
Output Pressure Range1-100 bar
Purity≥ 99.99% (4.0 @ 100 bar)
Water requirementDeionized water (recommended conductivity < 1µS/cm)
Water consumption rate250 mL/hr
Water reservoir capacity3L
Recommended environmentVentilated laboratory fume hood
Unit dimensions (H x W x D)345 mm × 365 mm × 460 mm
Unit weight38 kg
Outlet parameterSwagelok O.D.: 1/8″


This is the gas flow rate at room temperature and 1 bar. For example, the maximum flow rate at 1 bar is 1 L/min. At 100 bar it will be 10 mL/min.
Deionized water only, MilliQ or MilliPure standards are fine. (< 1µS (microSiemens)/cm)
Yes. Just change deionized water to heavy water.
No. The H-Genie generates it on-demand.
It’s designed to be set up in a ventilated cabinet or fume hood (essential) and connected to reactors in this area.

Do you have more questions?

Reach out to us at any time and experience fast and efficient support tailored to your specific needs.