Webinar: Flow Chemistry Basics II.

As a new initiative in our free webinar series, we would like to give all of you a detailed introduction into the world of flow chemistry. By summarizing the most important related topics, we aim to support both the newcomers and professionals in this field. After the large interest...


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Webinar: Flow Chemistry Basics I.

As a new initiative in our free webinar series, we would like to give all of you a detailed introduction into the world of flow chemistry. By summarizing the most important related topics, we aim to support both the newcomers and professionals in this field. As the first of...


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Webinar Announcement: Safe exothermic reactions in continuous flow with the IceCube™

Our webinar will focus on exothermic reactions and how to perform them safely in continuous flow using the IceCube™. This modular instrument will unlock a wide range of high-energy reactions including ozonolysis, lithiation, or nitration. You can find more about the IceCube™ Flow Reactor here: https://thalesnano.com/products-and-services/icecube-flow-reactor/ If you would...


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Timothy Noel is awarded the 2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano Prize for Flow Chemistry

The 2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano prize for Flow Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Timothy Noël of the University of Amsterdam’s Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences. The prize, consisting of an award of $ 7500, honours outstanding contributions in the field of flow chemistry, microfluidics, micro fabrication, and micro...


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Introducing the new PhotoCube™

The PhotoCube™ is the first multi-wavelength instrument available for advanced photochemical applications.This reactor enables the implementation of multi-wavelength batch and continuous flow photochemicalreactions. The multicolour option ranges from UVA to red. With the opportunity to select the colour of the LEDs, the system can be fine-tuned for specific wavelengths...


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